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Bioaqua Collagen Night Mask with Centella Asiatica(92885)


20 pcs. of 4 ml.
Centella asiatica is a very powerful antioxidant that triggers the skin's natural collagen and hyaluronic acid production process.
The mask has an active anti-inflammatory and biostimulating effect, promotes skin cell regeneration, moisturizes, improves tone, corrects fine lines.
The mask is equally good for young skin prone to acne and mature skin in need of metabolic stimulation.
It relieves inflammation, normalizes the work of sebaceous glands, has drying and antiseptic action. The mask perfectly smooths and refreshes, in the morning your skin will look nourished and rested.
How to use: After washing and using lotion, apply the mask in a thick layer on the face and neck. Leave on all night, do not rinse. It is recommended to use 2-3 times a week.

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