Коллагеновые патчи Siayzu с экстрактами винограда и водорослей (93073)


60 pcs.-30 pairs.

Экстракт винограда поддерживает нормальную выработку коллагена и эластина, улучшает обмен веществ и обновление клеток, повышает упругость, эластичность кожи.

Seaweed perfectly nourishes the skin under the eyes, enhancing its regeneration processes and improving blood circulation. Seaweed gives an excellent tightening effect due to the fact that it accelerates metabolic processes and removes toxins and toxins. In addition, they have an anti-edematous effect.

How to use: after removing makeup and cleaning the face, apply the patches to the area under the eyes for 15-20 minutes, and then remove. Apply a narrow part to the bridge of the nose, and wide on the outer corners of the eyes. After opening the package, it is recommended to store the mask in the refrigerator.

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